Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm back!

With graduation tomorrow I'm hoping to be back to blogging! This has been one crazy and challenging semester. Student teaching took so much of my time that even some necessary things (like cooking) found themselves on the back burner-haha. I've told numerous people that if it wasn't for a husband to feed, I might not have eaten much during student teaching. Lesson plans, grading and class work for my college class kept me from ever feeling ahead of the game. However, I did enjoy my teaching experience. There aren't too many job prospects out there right now, but I am content with where the Lord has me right now. I'll wait on Him for the next step-whatever that may be.

So in the mean time, it's back to cooking! I've been cooking more recently and trying some new recipes. Most of the new ones have involved fish--salmon and tilapia! I've rediscovered a taste for seafood and have been finding new ways to incorporate it into meals. As a vegetarian, I'm constantly looking to spice up my diet with some much needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Here's a taste of what I'm planning to feature in the near future (once I get some more photos taken). I would also like to get menus up and running again shortly!

Thank you to those who told me they missed my posts! It sure makes a girl feel good! :) Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle soon. I just found I pic of the salmon, so looks like that's first!

God Bless!



  1. Yay! Missed your posts, I need some cooking inspiration!

  2. Thanks Mindy! Love your blog by the way! So creative and inspiring!
